TGCLA 3rd Quarter EQUIP Meeting scheduled for 7/29 is Canceled

TGCLA 3rd Quarter EQUIP Meeting scheduled for 7/29 is Canceled.

TGCLA July 29th Quarterly Equip meeting is canceled. But please try to get together with some other pastors in your area to encourage and deepen friendships with one another. Here's a list of our current TGCLA Pastors that have publicly agreed with the TGC foundation documents and are intentional at networking for the gospel together. If you're a pastor and want to publicly agree to the foundation documents and want to work together to help INSPIRE. EQUIP. SUPPORT. each other for gospel growth in our city and region then please let me know.

We will pick up our quarterly EQUIP meeting on October 28th Lord-willing. Until then, please support each other by encouraging each other. If you need help connecting with brothers closer to your area, shoot me an email and I'll email you some brothers email information that are nearest to you.

In Christ,
Preaching Pastor, CrossView Church LA

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