We’re grateful that you are interested in joining the Los Angeles regional chapter of The Gospel Coalition (TGC). Our mission is to inspire, equip, and support churches and church leaders for gospel-centered ministry.
The greatest benefit of this regional coalition is the relationships between like-minded pastors and like-minded churches in Los Angeles. In fact, TGCLA began with pastors meeting quarterly to share a meal, learn from one another, and pray together. Additional benefits include:
- A Place On the TGC LA Map. Our map of Los Angeles churches helps those with our theological vision of ministry find like-minded churches near them. We want this to be the go-to map for churches in the greater Los Angeles region.
- Heightened Trust for your Local Church. We take being part of our coalition seriously because we want your relationship with TGC LA to tell others that your church is a safe place for believers to grow in grace.
- Access to Leading Evangelicals. Some pastors spend time and money traveling to hear from the leading evangelical minds of our day. As a regional chapter of a nationally known organization, TGC LA is able to bring some of those speakers to Los Angeles several times each year.
- Defrayed Cost. Our partnership provides enough people to justify our speakers traveling to LA but keeps the financial burden extremely small for each church and individual.
- Displays Cooperation. Joining together with pastors from different churches and denominations allows you to maintain your polity while still cooperating with others for the sake of the gospel.
- Joint Ventures. TGCLA churches can potentially come together for various joint-ventures in everything from foster care initiatives to mission trips to church retreats.
- Better Pastors. Our pastors are encouraged and better equipped for ministry by these unique relationships with other like-minded pastors. Engaging with pastors outside our local church and/or denomination inspires, challenges, and encourages us.
- Better Churches. There is a trickle-down effect from the maturing of pastors to their congregations. Better pastors lead churches better, which leads to more mature disciples of Jesus.
- Communication. Our churches are active in different ways. We communicate certain events and activities at various local churches so that others know what good things are going on in Los Angeles.
We are not a denomination. In fact, our membership is reflected by churches of an array of denominations and alliances who are unified on the central importance of the gospel for all of life. Our chapter also holds a firm commitment to a high view of God’s sovereignty, Scripture’s authority, complementarian relationships, the biblical gospel, and expositional preaching. While we welcome input from one another, we have no authority over the churches in our coalition.