Region-wide gatherings for the purpose of ground-level equipping.
Three times a year TGCLA pastors gather to hear from a guest speaker on a topic relevant to pastoral ministry. Topics range from general (e.g. the Sufficiency of Scripture in Pastoral Ministry) to specific (e.g. Counseling, Eating Disorders, and Body Image in Los Angeles), but all are meant to bear directly on the weekly life of the pastor.
- Two to four hour gathering held once a quarter, hosted by rotating member churches
- Features a guest speaker providing relevant equipping for pastoral ministry
- Geared towards TGC LA pastors and other interested leaders
- Typically involves musical worship and a time for discussion
- Time for refreshments or lunch, providing a chance to befriend nearby pastors in your neighborhood
- Encouragement to apply equipping and pursue friendships for the next several months
- Planned and implemented by TGC LA’s steering team and other interested members
In April of 2016, Sovereign Grace in Pasadena will host our second quarter EQUIP gatthering. After general introductions and singing, Jared Wilson (author of Gospel Wakefulness, The Prodigal Church, and more) will speak in two sessions and hold a Q&A. We will end our gathering with lunch to continue the fellowship.