Cornerstone West LA
websiteemail blogfacebooktwitter- Lead Pastor: Brian Colmery and Scott Mehl
- Physical Address: 1609 S Barrington Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90025 | Map
- Mailing Address: 1609 S Barrington Ave , Los Angeles, CA 90025
- Phone: 310-826-8374
- Service Times: 9:00am and 11:00am
Listen to a Cornerstone West LA sermon.
People find their identity in all sorts of places: their jobs, their reputations, their achievements, even their sense of humor. But we find our identity in the good news that, even though we’ve betrayed a holy God, He sent Jesus to take the punishment we deserve. This gospel message about Jesus tells us that we don’t have to be runaways that try to make it on our own. Best of all, we don’t have to worry about facing well-deserved punishment when this life is over.
“I’m more broken and sinful than I ever dared believe, but in Jesus I am more loved & accepted than I ever dared hope.”
Jesus’ sacrifice means we can come home to a loving God and enjoy Him forever. Now, our identity isn’t in something we do, but something that Christ did for us. We don’t have to be good to prove a point—the Bible says that the gospel makes you a new creation, so your actions are just overflow from a transformed heart. For the rest of our Christian lives we learn the same lesson over and over again: “I’m more broken and sinful than I ever dared believe, but in Jesus I am more loved and accepted than I ever dared hope.”
The gospel has been transforming people for thousands of years, and each person it touches becomes part of a new family: the family of God. Through the gospel we get a new community, full of the kind of deep relationships that God desires for us. The gospel means that we’re not alone—we have Jesus, and we have each other.
"We live our lives together, love one another, serve one another, encourage each other, and even correct each other when needed."
And that means that we are a lot more than a bunch of people who see each other on Sundays. We live our lives together, love one another, serve one another, encourage each other, and even correct each other when needed. Because of the gospel, we don’t live in an exclusive social circle. We love like Jesus loved, and do our best to really enjoy the new family God gives us.
The gospel travels; it always has. Ever since the Holy Spirit was sent down to those first apostles, He has grabbed people with the gospel, transformed them, and used them to grab more. We stand in a long line of people changed by the good news about Jesus, and we’re not about to slow that movement down. Life’s too short, and eternity is too long, for us to keep our mouths shut when it comes to Jesus. So we don’t just wait for people to show up to a Sunday service – we bring the message of the gospel with us wherever we go.
"Life’s too short, and eternity is too long, for us to keep our mouths shut when it comes to Jesus."
As we go about life—working, relaxing, running errands, hanging out with friends—we’re always looking to explain why the gospel makes every piece of life different, and how everyone is invited to be a part of that: by hearing and believing the gospel.