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On My Shelf with Pastor Ron Boomsma


On My Shelfhelps you get to know various faithful Los Angeles Pastor-Theologians through a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives as readers. I asked Ron Boomsmasenior pastor ofSovereign Grace Church of Pasadena, inthe Verdugos of Los Angeles,about what's on his nightstand, his favorite fiction books,and teachers that have shaped his th...

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Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism in Your Church (with resources linked)

Here is a general outline of my notes from my "Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism in Your Church" Discussion on 10/13/15: Assumptions: - The gospel defined: God, Man, Christ, Response- Exclusivity of Christ- Reality of eternal joy and eternal judgment- God sovereignly chose all those who would be saved- God wants all men to be saved- God uses means to save his people D...

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The Gospel And Work

Resources for thinking through living for Jesus Christ in one's approach to work....

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Development of Local Church (non-vocational) Elders

10 Principles for Eldership An elder is a pastor is an elder. An elder is different than a "Super Deacon" An elder desires to be an elder. An elder is biblically qualified. An elder is recognized not chosen (manufactured). An elder knows what biblical eldership is. (in terms of duties, it's not sitting on a organization's "board") An elder identifies with the loca...

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Resources on Lay Pastor-Elders in the Church

As we gear up for our upcoming EQUIP Quarterly Meeting on 5/27/14 on Raising Up Lay Elders in Your Church I thought I'd post some free resources online that I've found helpful. I plan on publishing another blog post on some recommended book resources on the topic. Some free online resources on thinking about elders (what I'd call pastor-elders to avoid biblical confusion)...

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