January 3, 2019
by P.J. Tibayan
On My Shelfhelps you get to know various faithful Los Angeles Pastor-Theologians through a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives as readers.
I asked Ron Boomsmasenior pastor ofSovereign Grace Church of Pasadena, inthe Verdugos of Los Angeles,about what's on his nightstand, his favorite fiction books,and teachers that have shaped his th...
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January 2, 2019
by P.J. Tibayan
On My Shelfhelps you get to know various faithful Los Angeles Pastors through a behind-the-scenes glimpse into their lives as readers.
I asked David Heggsenior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Santa Clarita, North LA Countyand author of When My Heart is Faint: Gospel Help When Life Goes Awry(2017), The Obedience Option(2010), Appointed to Preach(2010)about what's on his ...
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January 2, 2019
by P.J. Tibayan
| Tags: politics, social justice, mission, gospel, church, discipleship, evangelism
Christians faithfully following Jesus & engaging socially is confusing, complex, & discouraging. Dr. Russell Moore, of the ERLC, clarifies issues so that I can confidently, clearly, & courageously follow Jesus in my church & our society. Here are 3 lessons from his article....
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January 1, 2019
by P.J. Tibayan
Update: Here is a sermon-lecture presented to The Master's Universitybased on the notes below from our TGCLA Equip Meeting.
Baptist Faith and Message Article XV. The Christian and the Social Order
All Christians are under obligation to seek to make the will of Christ supreme in our own lives and in human society. Means and methods used for the improvement of society an...
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October 14, 2015
by P.J. Tibayan
Here is a general outline of my notes from my "Cultivating a Culture of Evangelism in Your Church" Discussion on 10/13/15:
- The gospel defined: God, Man, Christ, Response- Exclusivity of Christ- Reality of eternal joy and eternal judgment- God sovereignly chose all those who would be saved- God wants all men to be saved- God uses means to save his people
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February 3, 2015
by P.J. Tibayan
Resources for thinking through living for Jesus Christ in one's approach to work....
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July 25, 2014
by P.J. Tibayan
TGCLA 3rd Quarter EQUIP Meeting scheduled for 7/29 is Canceled.
TGCLA July 29th Quarterly Equip meeting is canceled. But please try to get together with some other pastors in your area to encourage and deepen friendships with one another. Here's a list of our current TGCLA Pastors that have publicly agreed with the TGC foundation documents and are intentional at networkin...
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May 30, 2014
10 Principles for Eldership
An elder is a pastor is an elder.
An elder is different than a "Super Deacon"
An elder desires to be an elder.
An elder is biblically qualified.
An elder is recognized not chosen (manufactured).
An elder knows what biblical eldership is. (in terms of duties, it's not sitting on a organization's "board")
An elder identifies with the loca...
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May 27, 2014
by P.J. Tibayan
As we gear up for our upcoming EQUIP Quarterly Meeting on 5/27/14 on Raising Up Lay Elders in Your Church I thought I'd post some free resources online that I've found helpful. I plan on publishing another blog post on some recommended book resources on the topic.
Some free online resources on thinking about elders (what I'd call pastor-elders to avoid biblical confusion)...
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August 13, 2013
by P.J. Tibayan
| Tags: Themelios
From the TGC Blog:
The Gospel Coalition just released the latest issue of Themelios. It is available as a 158-page PDF and in HTML. We've also partnered with Logos Bible Software to make it available as a free mobile-friendly Logos digital edition for use on all major platforms with one of their free apps.
D. A. Carson | Kingdom, Ethics, and Individual Salvation
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